Book of Details
2 min read
The Islands installation by Raw Edges and Caesarstone, showcased in Milan in 2014, was the trigger for the project. The installation challenges the very basic concept of kitchen surface use. Instead of placing the different objects above, under or next to the surface, they were incorporated into it, turning the surface into the heart and soul of the kitchen and the dominant design element that weaves together all the other components.
The book focuses on elements from the installation, alongside new designs especially developed by Raw Edges. The book includes sketches and images along with a presentation of numerous creative and practical surface applications, following four leading trends in the worlds of lifestyle and design – from small urban spaces, to the growing interest in cooking and food, through to the new office space design concept, all the way back to the basic value of sharing.
The Book of Details was designed like a sketch book, easy to carry, along with a bookmark and room for comments. The reader is invited to draw ideas and inspiration from the book, to examine the material and apply the ideas in practice.
This project is yet another aspect of Caesarstone’s activity in the global design arena, and following the trend book “Design Inspirations”, and aims to be an innovative and practical source of inspiration for designers and architects.
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