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Reading: Our Story: Tonya & Michael Reeves

Our Story: Tonya & Michael Reeves

3 min read

On the 4th April 2016, Tonya & Michael Beaton had received a surreal and shuddering phone call from the police hearing only bad news, and something that would soon change their lives. The police stated a fire had been reported at their home and had been contained by the fire department.

Tonya & Michael were recommended to come home as soon as possible.

Upon arrival and after everything had settled, the kitchen was completely destroyed by the fire and substantial damage was done to the rest of the inside of Tonya & Michael’s home. 

The fire ignited at the stove top where the knob had accidentally been knocked onto the high position. At some point during a rather windy day with all windows opened, it was suspected that a chopping board had fallen and ignited causing the fire to start.

“We lost up to a third of our house contents due to fire and soot damage” – says Tonya & Michael.

To make matters even worse, Tonya was 36 weeks pregnant at the time of the fire with their first child. Both Tonya & Michael were so excited about their first pregnancy and starting new family after being together 16 years. 

“We were well prepared, nursery complete, everything ready to go with the exception of packing my hospital bag. A house fire was the last thing we were expecting and after the initial shock, we were then put into a spin to not only replace a lot of the bub’s lost items due to the fire, but to also find temporary accommodation before bubs arrival while they rebuilt a large portion of the inside of our home.” – says Tonya.

We were told the rebuild would take 3 – 6 months which was heartbreaking to learn our baby wouldn’t be coming home to our home from hospital. We also knew bub could come any day now so this put additional pressure on us at the time.

Due to the fire I finished up work earlier than expected and spent the last weeks of my pregnancy running around buying essential household items we lost and bubs items we also lost, plus pick house design items for the rebuild.

When we heard that Caesarstone® had heard our story and wanted to help us with the rebuild of our home by supplying us with new kitchen bench tops, we were truly overwhelmed by such a kind act, I actually broke into tears. It had always been our dream to one day be able to renovate our kitchen and knowing what a quality product Caesarstone® is, their bench tops would always have been our first choice. 

We can’t thank Caesarstone® enough for all their support during a difficult time for us.” 

–    Tonya & Michael Reeves

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