Salt Meats Cheese
In 2015, Salt Meats Cheese opened its fourth store in Drummoyne, NSW following the opening of its stores in Surfers Paradise, QLD, Alexandria, NSW and Mosman, NSW.
This beautiful new store includes Caesarstone® Calacatta Nuvo and Caesarstone® London Grey thoughout various surfaces.
The new location sits comfortably amongst other well known establishments such as Harris Farm, Hudson Meats and Sydney Fresh Seafood. As Co-Director, Stefano de Blasi mentions, ‘We feel like this is a great fit for Salt Meats Cheese. The new location is a foodie hub, a place to pick up everything you need from pasta to fresh fish or vegetables’.
Dining at Salt Meats Cheese will most definitely meet your expectations. Diners are offered ‘Italian with a twist’ which includes delicious new pasta dishes such as the spinach and ricotta ravioli with French brie, sage and crispy pancetta along with old favourites – cheese boards, truffle fries and the famous black lobster pizza cooked in the wood-fire oven!
The Drummoyne store is open 7 days for breakfast, lunch and dinner including a takeaway menu for those on-the-go.
For more details, please visit
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